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Cuiraissers By A Nose!

My Kingdom For A Really Nice Miniature Pony

The home stretch. Just the three Cuiraisser regiments and the C-in-C strips to do. The Cuiraissers have identical uniforms, just different horse blankets, so I should be able to blast through these pretty quickly. To help keep some variety in the color, I’m going to do the horses in a lot of different colors: dun, gray, brown and black, by regiment. I’ve decided to let my imagination run wild with the C-in-C unit, and paint it in my choice of colors (while trying to still look reasonably “historic”).

I start with the horses but, while I’m working with the base color, I also do any other bits in that color. For example, the base color for the gray horse is Model Master Dark Gull Gray. I do the base color of the blanket rolls in that (to be highlighted later). Likewise, the base for the brown horses is Polly S Roof Brown, which I use as the base for the flagpole, and musket stocks (or are those carbines? shotguns?). The other base coats are Brunswick Black by Colour Party, and Dun by Coat d’Arms mixed 1:1 with Ceramcoat Golden Brown. The Golden Brown is also the base uniform color.

It should be noted that the cavalry I received was not quite up to the high production standards of the infantry. Of the 8 stands of cuirassiers I received, one was poorly cast, resulting in a lack of horse tails and extremely thin legs. Also these two stands were much less crisp in their detail on the left sides, compared to the other stands. Based on my knowledge of Peter and Baccus’ reputation, I believe he would replace such in a paid order (but even I didn’t have the nerve to ask for replacements for free figures). On the other hand, en masse these minor defects would never be noticed. Only at a distance of 3” under a halogen lamp, while being painted, are they really noticeable.

So here they are (well, select shots of most of the 8 strips anyway):

HT BaccusCavalry1 HT BaccusCavalry2
HT BaccusCavalry3 HT BaccusCavalry4
HT BaccusCavalry5

Next: Final Thoughts

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