First Glance: “Try before you buy” is always my advice when it comes to Old Glory. They have some truly beautiful figures, and some truly awful ones. You can even see it here with just 4 samples.
Anatomy: For this range, the sculptor seems to have actually studied the human form. Body parts are all the right size, and all in the right place. The faces have a lot of character as you can see from the pictures.
The Finer Things: The level of detail is all right. There is a bit of a scrambled egg issue with the chest area - the straps and such all run together. The bicorne looks oversized, but the rest of the equipment looks fine.
Second Chances: Looking at the extra samples we get a real mixed bag. The American in the firing pose is really quite good. Nice pose, great detail, paints up a treat. The advancing redcoat suffers from the hyper-dramatic posing so often associated with Old Glory. I mean, look at him, he’s defying gravity!
Old Glory makes some nice figures as you can see. And the price is right - they run about $0.23 each,. though you have to buy them in bags of 50 (a world better than the old bags of 100!). So once again, my advice is get pictures or samples before you end up with a couple units only a mother could love, much less take the time to paint.
Page last updated June 16, 2005