The lads and I have splashed into Mantic’s fantasy naval game, Armada. I find the ship cards just a paint to manage and hugely wasteful of space. Not a big deal in 1 on 1 battles, but in a 6 or 8 player game...not so much. So I created one page trackers/rosters for the game and you can get it here or on Wargame Vault. It is a Powerpoint file you can edit as you need.

My local club has been enjoying Legends of the Old West, a rule set put out by Games Workshop about 20 years ago or so. Here is a QRS for the rules and a scenario (maybe more in future).

Here is another of my game accessories. This time it’s a QRS / Unit Roster for the Xenos Rampant science fiction rules.

Here is a new and, I hope, improved Quick Reference and troop roster for the To the Strongest rules.
The new Dragon Rampant rules are proving quite popular with the club. So here is a page with a new and improved QRS/Roster, my campaign rules, and various other things, including scenarios, to come!
I really like the core Flames of War game. But I feel some of the design choices that make it a good tournament game don’t make it a very good club game. So I have written a substantial variant I like to call Flames of AwesomeSauce. It introduces an interactive turn sequence, hidden movement, opportunity fire/overwatch and much more. You will need the rules file as well as the QRS file.
For gamers considering using Flames of War for the Spanish Civil War, here are some army lists by John Baugher (thanks John!). Files used by permission.

The well known Napoleonic rule set Grande Armee is going out of print, to be replaced by the new set, Honour. The old web site for Grande Armee has found a new home on the web here.
New! Extensive lists (with lots of photos) of manufacturers of 15 mm amphibious vehicles for World War 2. Courtesy of SeattleRed.
BattleCards for Flames of War. These attractive 3x5” unit cards put all your statistics in one place. Great for teaching the game and a nice way to organize your troops. This template includes some Russian and German cards already. You must have MS PowerPoint in order to be able to use this file.

The Column, Line & Square Archive. Thanks to the efforts of Bobby Mock, the various rules sets, scenarios, errata, etc. will all be made available here. If you can help track down any missing files or documents, please contact Bobby direct.

Supreme Warlord: Blood Lust Rules and Army Lists. Designed to use pre-1600 and Fantasy armies in a semi-historical context. The perfect rules set to convert fantasy gamers to historical gamers!
A Fire & Discipline variant for the Age of Marlborough. Includes two versions of the rules, one focusing on firepower, one on discipline. Army Lists are also available to download.
Phillip Jones now offers the latest version of his Napoleonic rules Elan Deluxe for free download. They also include army lists for all of the major, and many of the minor powers involved in the Napoleonic Wars.
Phillip Jones has also written a set of rules for the American War of Independence. Called Redcoats & Rebels, they are based on his popular Elan Deluxe Napoleonic rules set, these also include very useful army lists.
Warflag is a very popular and useful site offering free downloadable flags for many different eras. Just resize, print and voila!
Note: This link will open a pop-up window and take you to the Warflag site.
Eagles, Crowns & Oak Leaves is a set of rules for Division level WW2 battles. Army lists, TOEs and other material are also available, free! Written by Rudy Scott Nelson, of Time Portal Hobbies fame.
Please be sure to tip the waitress.
Grunts, Leathernecks & Charlie is another set of rules from Time Portal Hobbies’ owner Rudy Scott Nelson. Designed for fast, fun battalion level games, they may be downloaded free right here.
Fire & Discipline is a set of rules covering tactical warfare from 1740 to 1850. In fact, it is two sets, one emphasizing firepower, the other focusing on discipline. Brought to you by Rudy Scott Nelson, courtesy of his Time Portal Magazine.
Medals of Valor is our system for recreating skirmish and tactical combat during the 20th Century. These are low intensity rules designed for fast play and fun. We have tried to maintain a feel for realism while understanding that a comprehensive detailed system would be very slow and cumbersome. Brought to you by Rudy Scott Nelson, courtesy of Time Portal Hobbies.
Fire! Ogon! Feuer! is a set of skirmish level rules for World War 2. Courtesy of Rudy Scott Nelson, owner of Time Portal Hobbies.
If you have more of a Nautical bent, take a look at Coastal Command. Yet another set of free rules from Rudy Scott Nelson of Time Portal Hobbies.
GREEN BLOOD AND RED BLOOD FOR MARS. The time has come to conquer the blue-green planet from the soft and fleshy humanoids. You have the plan, here are the rules. This is a variant of the HG Wells nominated Indunas, Colonel and Emirs colonial rules. Another contribution from Rudy Scott Nelson.
Guards du Corps a set of operational level Napoleonic rules from Rudy Scott Nelson. This is the third edition (2004) and includes army lists as well as some optional rules in a single downloadable file.