03 February 2002
When we arrived at CanCon last weekend my son Ray made a beeline for the MPKJ Wholesale stand. MPKJ are the distributors of BattleFront miniatures in Australia and Ray wanted some more figures. Once we got them home, of course, it was time for a review to add to our previous one. By the time I was ready, Ray had already painted some of the figures and models he'd bought. MPKJ sell the figures for AUS$9.95 per box, but also do discounts for volume sales. They can be reached via e-mail (just click on the company name) or by 'phone on 61-8-8381-5785.
British Infantry late W.W.II (B401). Once again BattleFront have done a pretty good job, including detail like helmet nets and scrim. The rifles look a little short but are recognizably Lee-Enfield No 4 rifles. Measuring 15 mm from sole to eye they are not quite as cleanly cast as their command figure set and a couple of the kneeling figures look like they'd be giants if they stood up. There were 22 figures in each box.

Late war infantry
Projector Infantry Anti-Tank (PIAT)(B408). Ray got either 6 PIAT, 6 loaders plus another 8 other figures in the pack. The PIAT and loaders are all in the same poses but there was some variation in the other figures.
 PIAT figures
Universal Carriers (B007). BattleFront provide 2 carriers per box for the same price as a standard box of figures. The carriers aren't bad little models but on one the molding on the gunner was incomplete. So Ray turned him into some baggage to add a bit of difference to the model. The models are cast in white metal, not a combination of metal and resin as are their larger models.
Two views of the carrier model (painted by Ray)
Recommended. If you're looking to add some figures to your W.W.II collection, why not check these out. With the NZ$ even lower than the Pacific Peso they should be cheap even with P&P.
Have Fun.
Notes on the models' finish by Ray. The standing figures were neat and easy to paint, while the crouching figures had some pitting on the surface which made them hard to paint. The carriers were good but were a bit messy around the front with flash and moulding tabs. The PIATS are very good and easily painted.