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Figure Reviews: 10mm
WW1 Australians by Pendraken

Originally Published on the Spanner and the Yank Web Site. Used by permission.

26 March 2002

John Baxter sent me some of these figures to look at, as he was very impressed. 10 mm is probably a good scale for the WW1 Palestinian campaigns- you'll need plenty of room for your troops. And 10 mm effectively doubles the table size when compared to 15 mm or larger scales.

Anyway, I'll let the figures speak for themselves. Thanks, John, for sending them. As for making me think about another new period....

SY Pend ALH 1

SY Pend ALH 2

SY Pend ALH 3

For contact by mail:

Lynne and Dave Pengilley
1 Easby Grove
North Yorkshire
PH: 44-1642 460 368

Take care.


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