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Figure Reviews: 18 mm
British Infantry by Eureka

The Purchase: This was not a purchase. The one figure you see below was included free with my last order of AB figures (Eureka is a manufacturer of that line based in Australia).EurekaBritFront I have also been sent a complete set of samples by Ian Marsh of Fighting15s. He is now stocking them. See pictures of the rest of the samples below. Pictures and comments on those additional figures will be added soon (they’ve just been primed). I’m also not very happy with this paint job so expect to see these photos disappear soon.

First Impressions: These figures were designed to be compatible with AB and they are that to a tee. I do not know who sculpted them, but they did a marvelous job. While I think they look slightly heavier they are otherwise nearly dead ringers for AB. The biggest giveaway to me is that this figure is much more “geometric” than AB. I mean that there are more angles and plances on the figure than on a typical AB. Look at the right hand for example - it is made up of two planes. They are very flat, and their edges are angles, rather than curves. The faces too are not quite as polished.

The Thigh Bone’s Connected to the Hip Bone: AB is my standard for anatomy - they were the first miniatures I found with true human proportions. There are certainly others, but AB has remained my standard. This Eureka figure is also very well sculpted. The hands and feet are the right size, the face is nicely detailed and rewards a better paint job than I’m capable of (see the pictures at Fighting15s).EurekaBritBack

Beware of Scrambled Eggs: I never see scrambled eggs on AB figures, and there’s not even a hint of yolk here.

God Is In. The Details: In terms of the equipment and uniform details, we’re looking at work that is as good as there is. The straps are all present. The shako cords are reasonably sized (I’ve seen some shakos that look like they’re covered in link sausages). Details are raised but not excessively so.

The Verdict: There’s evidence of a middle age spread, and some spots that could use a little rounding off, but this is as minor as a complaint can get I think. If you’re into Waterloo, these are the Brits to get.

More, More, More!

These pictures/comments have been added, upon receiving these samples from Fighting15s (thanks Ian!). Note: the ruler is always the same showing mm markings.

Click on a thumbnail to see an image full size.

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

18mm British Infantry by Eureka

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