I was contacted last year about reviewing a new painting service. Having pretty much nothing to lose, I sent a set of the new Fantassin 15mm Vistula Legion figures off. I sent almost no instructions - do your best, and that was pretty much it. I was interested to see what would come back. The new service is known as Aire Brush.
I’ll let the pictures pretty much do my talking for me. Here is a shot of the complete 12-man unit. It is mounted on a small display base, and is now part of my painted gallery for conventions (I run Scale Creep Miniatures for a living these days). So, now, guess whether or not I liked the quality of the work?
Behind the scenes Aire Brush goes by the name of David Conyers. David kept me in the loop throughout - when the figures arrived, when he started, and when they were on their way back to me. As you can see the figures are nicely shaded, inked in places, and generally just smashing. This is obviously showcase quality work (see prices on his web site).
At cons his work clearly showed the figures at their best. I was frequently asked by gamers if it were my paint work, and I must admit the temptation to take credit was very strong!
In addition to obvious skill with the brush, I find his color choices outstanding. The blue jackets are just what I would have chosen, and the reds and yellows really pop (I go for eye-candy over dusty realism when it comes to colors). Admittedly that is a matter of taste, but the next time I’m in need of sending some pieces out to get done up to show quality, you can bet Aire Brush will get a piece of my business! But don’t you go sending him your figures...otherwise he’ll end up with a 6 month backlog and I hate waiting!
Here are some detail shots of the figures. Keep in mind these are at about 300-400% depending on your monitor!
