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Part 2: Skin and Bones


With a bit of superstructure in place, I now needed all the other clutter that covers a ship’s deck, most notable guns or turrets. I also wanted to add some “bits” to give the thing a steam-punk style vibe.

Checking around in my various “bits boxes” I remembered a treasure trove of bits: Pegasus Hobbies’ Chemical Plant Kit:

GW Skyships ChemPlant

This is actually made up of hundreds of small plastic parts. The pipes were perfect for making exhausts, and some other bits had a wheel-cover look so I used them as well. Smaller pipes were chopped up to serve as large gun barrels. Small gun barrels are pieces of paper clip. With some bits glued in place we get something like this:

GW Skyship Prussia2

It needed more, but we were definitely on the right track. A few more bits added, and appropriate pieces given a coat of paint (Prussia gets a Blue-Gray with copper for metal - the background revolves around copper) and we have our first Skyship!:

GW Skyship No1

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