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Okay, How About Horses?

All The King’s Horses

Man they’re small. I’m going to repeat myself and tackle one regiment first. As I got used to the size of the infantry I felt a little more confident with my brush and was getting nicer results. So now I’m going to try painting my Bayreuth Dragoons. I’m putting them all on brown horses and except for the drummer, the command stand will follow the same colors as the line troopers.

I put down a few base colors. Ceramcoat Dark Brown for the horses, Polly S GTW Blue for the jackets, black tricornes, and the flesh. These colors are pretty dark but I plan to highlight them to brighten them up. The unit now looks like this:

HT Baccus BayreuthWIP

As you can see, even with the flash, the brown horses look almost black, and the blue is nearly invisible. You’ll also not one trooper is missing his sword - the only damage of any kind so far in my army. I’m not going to attempt to replace it. For some of the equipment I’m going to have to pretty much guess at the colors.

Next comes the highlighting round. I mix Ceramcoat’s Dark Brown with their Golden Brown at 3:2, and highlight. The blue coats get touched up in Polly S B&M Blue. The a round of white followed by Americana Deep Burgundy on the cuffs and jackets. This will be highlighted with Polly S Cherry Red for the “pop” on these details.

Next, I finish up the rest of the equipment and saddle blankets. Finally a little white on the horse’s nose and feet, a little dark gray to the hooves, and presto! The regiment is complete. Here’s what it looks like now:

HT Baccus Bayreuth Final

I deliberately painted very slow to get the maximum control and detail. I think these two strips took me about an hour to paint. For some reason the whites show up as really gray in the photo - the hat lace and horse feet especially. Guess I’ll have to keep them in low light conditions for viewing! By the way, that thing on the flag is not roadkill - it is a lovingly rendered black, double headed eagle, with crowns.

Up Next: The Line Cuiraissers

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