Title: Jagdpanzer 2nd Ed. 
AUTHOR: Trent Burg and Jeff Gullion. Original game design by Kevin Cabai
PUBLISHER: Jagdpanzer
PRICE (with date): $40.00 (in 2018)
REVIEWED BY: Mark “Extra Crispy” Severin
Jagdpanzer arrives as a hefty spiral bound book of 196 pages. The cover is in color and printed on substantial card stock, the interior is black and white. The rules themselves run 60 pages, with the balance of the book comprised of optional rules, designer’s notes, and numerous TO&E charts and the data for all of the major and several minor countries. The data is substantial enough that any missing stats will be easy to determine by relative measure. There is a highly detailed table of contents. The last few pages are templates and quick reference sheets for players.
SCOPE: Jagdpanzer is a tactical game. Players will probably command a company sized force.
ARMY SIZE: Jagdpanzer may be played with as little as a dozen tanks a side. Larger multi-player games may require a battalion sized force. This would require a couple dozen tanks per side, or equivalent stands of infantry. Many weapons, especially artillery, will be off board.
BASE UNIT: Vehicles in these rules are 1:1, while infantry is one squad per stand. Smaller foot units, such as command or crews are represented with one stand each. An optional rules allows players to field infantry in smaller section elements.
- Ground Scale: 1” = 25 yards
- Time scale 1 turn = 2-3 minutes
- Figure/Base Ratio: 1:1
- Recommended Figure Size: 6mm but conversion for 15mm and other scales is covered.
- Table Size: N/A
- Game Length: N/A
BASING SIZES: None listed
- Command Phase: Initiative is determined by die roll, and scenario specific tasks are carried out (e.g. rolling for reinforcements, checking victory conditions, etc.)
- Movement Phase: Player A moves followed by Player B.
- Direct Fire: Check LOS; Remove smoke; Resolve stationary fire; resolve moving fire; resolve second stationary fire; Close Assaults. Fire is simultaneous within each step.
- Artillery Phase: Resolve artillery attacks; change fire missions; plot new fire missions.
- Aircraft Phase: Move and attack with aircraft and resolve AA fire.
- Morale: Carry out all required morale checks and apply results.
Jagdpanzer combat uses a D20. Most mechanics require a player to roll a single D20. In most cases he score needed is modified and the goal is to roll equal to or less than the target number. Morale and close assault use D6.
Movement is by initiative order, with the winner of the die roll choosing to move first or second. The movement rules are fairly standard. Each unit type has a road movement rate and a cross country rate. This is affected by terrain - terrain is usually prorated at higher rates. For example, Jeeps pay 3” of movement allowance for every 1” moved through light woods. Some terrain is impassable to some units. Some terrain requires a full turn to move across.
In combat targets may be suppressed. If they passed a subsequent morale check, they spend an entire movement phase to remove the suppression marker.
Units that remain stationary may fire twice in the Direct Fire Phase.
Units may use Double Movement, but are vulnerable to Opportunity Fire in doing so (this is the only Opportunity Fire rule in Jagdpanzer).
The movement rules cover limbering, un/loading passengers etc. in good detail.
Direct Fire Combat:
The first step in the phase is to check spotting and line of sight. There is no die roll involved. Unspotted units that fire get an “Ambush” benefit (most often applies to infantry who can spot vehicles at greater distances than vehicles can spot infantry). Spotting is affected by cover, prepared positions, and whether the target is moving or stationary. Any firing unit is spotted provided it is within line of sight.
Smoke is now removed and firing commences. The first exchange of fire is fire by stationary units. Within this phase fire is simultaneous. The second round of fire is by moving units. Moving units knocked out in the first fire phase do not fire, but otherwise fire within this phase is again simultaneous. Finally, stationary units get another round of fire.
Anti-Vehicle Fire: The “to-hit” score against vehicles is based on range. At short range, for example, the player must roll a 13 or less. The “to hit” number is modified by a variety of factors, including: terrain; troop quality; movement, etc. If you fire at a target again, there is a +3 modifier as well. To see if the hit penetrated, the penetration value of the weapon is subtracted from the armor value of the target. The firer must roll that number, or less, on a D20. If successful the target is knocked out. If the roll is less than 1/2 of the needed number, the target suffers “Catastrophic Destruction” and is on fire. It is marked with smoke and blocks LOS for the duration of the game.
Anti-Infantry Fire: Anti-infantry fire uses a different mechanism. Each weapon has a Firepower rating. The firepower is modified for terrain, suppression etc. and a D20 is rolled. The Firepower results chart is consulted. The result may be a miss, a kill or a suppression. However, results are applied randomly to the target stand and all stands within 2”. Kills are applied first and stands removed, then suppressions are applied, again randomly to all stands within 2” of the target. Weapons equipped with HE ammo are given a firepower rating for firing at infantry stands.
Suppression: Units that are suppressed may not move or fire. They must pass a morale check and if successful, spend the entire following movement phase removing the suppression. Such units may fire normally after sacrificing one movement phase.
Close Assault:
Units in contact with the enemy fight a close assault. Attacking units must pass a morale check to move in to contact. Defenders have the choice to then fight. If the defender has not moved they simply move away. If they have moved they voluntarily Withdraw. Such units must take a morale check at the end of the turn.
Units in contact fire normally (no terrain modifiers apply) and must fire at the unit contacted. Survivors then fight in close assault.
Each side rolls a D6 which is modified troop quality, entrenchments, suppression, etc. The loser (lower roller) is destroyed. In a tie, both elements are destroyed.
Artillery Combat:
Indirect artillery fire requires a FO or spotter. The spotter must be stationary, unsuppressed, and may not engage in any type of combat. Guns may act as their own spotter if they have LOS to the target.
Batteries are rated for quality, which determines the delay from a mission being called, to landing on target. The delay depends on the firing country as well as the type of mission or change being called for.
A target point is identified when the mission is called for. Additionally the spread (Point or Area) must be called. Once the mission arrives, a D6 is rolled to determine scatter. Prior to rolling the player has the option to choose to call a spotting round. Otherwise the barrage lands where rolled for.
Once scatter is determined, the artillery template is placed. Depending on the type and number of guns will determine the size of the template placed. Every stand under the template is then attacked with a Firepower rating using the anti-infantry chart. Larger barrages have higher Firepower ratings, and may roll more than once against each target stand. Targets may be suppressed, killed or be unaffected. Results are applied immediately.
When units must check morale the player rolls 2D6 and checks the result on the Morale Check Results Table. The die roll is modified for troop quality, cover, losses, and status such as withdrawing or routed. Results range from OK to Cower (units move one full move away from the enemy and are suppressed) to Rout (retreat a double move and are suppressed) to Surrender (very bad).
Aircraft are treated somewhat abstractly. Each unit is given a mission such as CAP, bombing etc. Combat is very abstract, and ground attack/bombing again uses the Firepower table.
The rule book does not include any specific scenarios but provides a list of scenario “types” from meeting engagement to delaying action to breakthrough. They include guides as to the relative strengths each side should possess.
There are fairly extensive TO&Es provided for most nations, and reasonably comprehensive data for the various troop types and equipment. The lists are comprehensive enough that and missing “odd ball” units stats can be inferred.
Jagdpanzer is a well written book, with numerous examples in every chapter. There are only a handful of diagrams and no illustrations. The rules run 60 pages but feel much shorter.
Not played.