
Side Orders: Our chefs are delighted to offer you these mouth watering reviews. Made from only the finest ingredients, our reviews give you plenty of pictures, a generous helping of facts and observations, and for the carb-conscious, personal opinions. All at no extra charge! Books, rules, figures, we’ll do it all.

Our Cookbook: Can’t afford to eat out? Make it at home. All you need are a few simple tools and our cookbook to show you the “How To” - whether it’s painting miniatures, or making terrain, we’ll be showing it all to you.

Is This All New To You? Wondering where to start? We have a beginner’s guide just for you! Consider it a few pointers on how to navigate the gastronomical world that is miniatures wargaming.

Free With Any Purchase! Who doesn’t like free stuff? Especially good stuff like free rules sets! If this sounds appetizing to you, then come on over to Gamer’s World!

What’s In This Soup? Ever wonder what escarole really is? How about cuiraissers? Or opposing die rolls? It’s just a beginning right now, but the Horse and Musket Gamer’s Lexicon will help you make sense of it all. Plus, it is now fully searchable. You can even add your own definitions!

Whatever happened to Spanner & The Yank? Rumors of their death are greatly exaggerated. Their reviews live on here. Well, most of ‘em anyway. And we’ll also be resurrecting their Editorials and other keen essays.

Because We Care: We use only the finest ingredients - but where do we stand on, say, organic produce, speed painting or millimeter creep? If you’re curious about the philosophy behind our cafe, here are a few words on these and other subjects.

In the Cafe...For a more eclectic menu, including Orcs, other genres, and just plain silliness, step in to the Cafe. Or as we like to call it around here, The Annex.

Where’s The Emergency Exit? Just can’t wait to get out of here? Then may we suggest these other reputable establishments. Whether it’s painting advice, inspiration, or uniform information, you’ll find a wide variety of four star links on your internet itinerary.

Want to say Howdy? Attaboy? Or go to hell? Just click here.
Are clowns really evil? You bet!

May We Recommend? Here are some folks we especially like doing business with. Good products, good price, great service. And darn nice people, too.