To my mind, Old Glory is the antithesis of Essex and Minifigs. Lots of figural variety, lots of high contrast detail, and widely varying levels of aesthetics and quality from item to item. They make some bad figures, some good, so it’s always a good idea to get samples, photos or a first hand look somewhere (especially since you generally have to buy 100 of the buggers). On the plus side, they’re generally very cheap (and if you find ‘em on sale - Bonus!) and I think mix well, measuring in at 15 - 17 mm (this fellow is 15 mm but would be 16.5 or 17.0 standing erect).
The level of detail here is good, and relatively high contrast. This was the only figure in the bunch with the trouser cording sculpted on (hence he’s the only one with it painted so far!). The cuffs, straps, and blanket tie are all raised details, as are the barrel hoops on the musket, the mustache, and the canteen bands. The bayonet looks oversized, but I like the blanket roll worn to protect against saber attacks.
The overall proportions for Old Glory are never very good, but neither are they very bad. While they do vary from bag t bag, they tend to remain within a reasonably narrow spectrum. This is a pretty typical example. The hands are oversized, and the arms are over long. But the legs look good with the torso, and the overall effect is decent. Unfortunately the face is a bit of a jumble.
This pose is bordering on the over exaggerated (for an example, take a look at this British infantryman). Fortunately, it stopped just this side of silly and is instead, energetic. This grunt is balanced, obviously fresh, and raring to go!