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British Infantry:
Lancashire Games

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Given how strangely wonderful this hobby can be, it is a pity that there are bad miniature manufacturers out there. Lancashire Games may be better than this poor soldier, but I doubt it. Only slightly better than the Jacobite brand, this is a particularly odd brand.

The detail on this figure is mediocre at best. The face is decidedly pointed and resembles a bird beak when viewed from the front. The canteen is a simple disk. The musket has a separate barrel and stock, but is very flat, as if it were a cutout of a musket, not a real musket. The shako looks much too large as do the soldier’s sleeves (is he wearing a down jacket or what?). The cuffs are sculpted.


The proportions are the usual affliction - hands are far too large, legs too short, and this poor boy has feet smaller than my sister’s. And I just don’t know what to say about the shako. How big is this fellow’s head?

Looking at the pose, it’s actually not too bad. Energetic, reasonably realistic, and likely to show well on a table top. (Note: I removed a piece of the figure connecting his raised foot to the base.)

As for figural variety, they come packed 10 to a bag. This bag had two poses (6 of one, 4 of the other). This figure came from the NB-1 Center co. advancing pack.One other note - this figure seems identical to one of their British Rifles figures - perhaps this bag was mis-marked?

Page Last Updated May 1, 2005

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