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British Infantry:
Naismith Design

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Naismith Design represents another solid entry. Like many lines the goal appears to be moderate, easily painted figures to allow building an army quickly. They come 6 figures to the bag, one pose. So like Minifigs and Essex, you’ll have a pretty static looking army. They are the shortest of all the brands (perhaps equal to Essex) Priced at $0.41US per figure they are expensive (on par with AB), but might mix nicely with either Essex or Minifigs.

As already mentioned, the detail here is moderate. The haversack has a flap and some folds, but there is no canteen strap at all. The face is basic, but clean. Other details are somewhat stylized. The shako plate, for example, is a simple round disc. The cuffs are sculpted but subtle. All other equipment is distinct and cleanly done. Clearly the sculptor here went for just the detail that will be visible from several feet.


The proportions here are fairly good. The arm and leg length appear to be in proportion with each other (though the arms are a bit thick). Still we are within the realm of human anatomy here and I think the overall look of the figure is quite nice.

The pose is not what I would call advancing. To me this is more of a defensive pose, the rear (right) foot looks planted, as if to resist. But again, a pose easy to paint, and one that will look good on a gaming table.

It is disappointing that the figures don’t have any variety within the packs, especially at that price. So Naismith offers one trade off: limited poses but a wide line. I mean, how many manufacturers make both Swedes and Turks?

Page Last Updated May 1, 2005

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