TITLE: FNG: The Game of Man to Man Combat During the Vietnam War
AUTHOR: Darby Eckles and Ed Teixeira
PUBLISHER: Two Hour Wargames
PRICE: $22.00 (in 2006)
REVIEWED BY: Mark “Extra Crispy” Severin
FNG is the typical comb-bound offering from Two Hour Wargames. 78 pages long, it features a full color card stock cover, with simple black and white interior. The rules take up 60 pages, with a few pages of notes and charts. The remainder of the book is devoted to the army lists.
SCOPE: FNG is designed for small skirmish actions.
ARMY SIZE: Players typically control a squad, up to a platoon. A very large game might see a full company deployed, but would require multiple players on each side.
BASE UNIT: In FNG the units are squads and platoons, but figures activate in “groups” which are formed on the fly and may change from turn to turn.
- Ground Scale: Not stated. (ranges are noted as being deliberately distorted)
- Time scale: Not stated but 1 turn = roughly 2-5 minutes
- Figure/Base Ratio 1:1
- Recommended Figure Size: Not stated, but any size figures will work
- Table Size: FNG can be played with small forces on a small table and give a fun game, but 4x6 is typical, and bigger is definitely better.
- Game Length: Most games should be playable in 2-3 hours
BASING SIZES: Figures should be based individually, base size is unimportant.
FNG uses the standard Two Hour Wargames skirmish turn structure.
First players each roll a die. The player with the higher roll activates first. However, he may only activate figures or groups with a REP (see below) of that number of higher. So if you roll a 5 you win initiative but many of your figures might be unable to activate! Once the first player has activated, the second player does likewise, using his activation die. If the players tie for initiative neither may move or fire, but both may rally, reload and perform a few other such tasks.
REP & Groups: Each figure is rated for Reputation or REP for short. REP is a value from 3 to 6 and reflects the ability of each soldier. When figures activate they do so in groups. Groups must be from the same unit. A group is nominated, and performs various actions - movement, shooting, searching etc. Groups activate by the REP of the highest rated figure in the group.
The typical REP of most soldiers will be 4s for grunts and 5s for NCOs. You might have a few “weak links” with a rep of 3, and a Rambo-like stud would have a rep of 6. Your side includes one or more leaders called “Stars.” Besides a higher rep they are harder to kill (important in mini campaigns).
Reaction Tests: The core of the game system is the Reaction Test. Instead of a fixed IGOUGO turn, inactive figures will react. To perform a test 2d6 are rolled and compared to the REP of the reacting figure. Checking each die against the REP a figure gets 0, 1 or 2 “passes” where teh die roll is equal to or less than the figure’s rep. The number of passes determines the options the figure has. For example: GI Jane is in a window when a VC group moves in to view. She takes an “In Sight” test and rolls 2d6. She scores a 2 and 6 and gets one Pass. She fires.
Note: The reaction test system is easy to play but hard to understand in a vacuum. As such it has gone through the most revisions and varies considerably from one 2 Hour rule book to the next. The general principle remains the same but the details are under constant revision.
Movement: When a group activates it may move. All foot figures move 8” Figures may also fire during movement. Terrain is crossed at a pro-rated rate. Additionally, groups may attempt a Fast Move, but have to roll 2d6 against the rep of each figure. This usually leads to the group being strung out as some figures get more bonus movement than others.
Ranged Combat: Ranged combat is very fast, and rather deadly. The firing unit rolls 1d6, and adds the firing figure’s rep to the score. A minimum of 8 is needed to score a hit. The result is checked on the Ranged Fire table. The die is not modified, rather cover, and other factors are in the table itself. If a figure is hit a die is rolled against the Impact rating of the weapon. This will result in a KIA, wounded (and out of the fight) or a “knock down” which sends the target prone and may not perform any actions or reactions until next activated.
Additionally, each weapon has a Target rating. It may fire at that number of targets at one time, provided they are close enough to each other. Dice are assigned to targets then rolled. Arranging the dice highest to lowest, determine which figures are hit. If you score multiple hits on one figure, you will roll on the effects table once for each hit.
Reaction: Unlike most games, the target does not just sit around and get shot at. A unit that takes fire takes a reaction test. Assuming they are not outgunned, they may return fire, duck down, or even rout. Thus two figures could fire back and forth several times before one is hit, runs away or flinches. A figure that is outgunned, however, ducks. You don’t take on an M60 with a bolt action rifle!
Units may also conduct Recon By Fire. Hidden units do not take hits but must take a reaction test. Units may also conduct Covering Fire. This gives them a bonus die on their next In Sight check.
Melee: Melee is resolved like a reaction test. Each figure rolls 2D6 and compares the dice to their rep. The rep may be modified for a few factors such as being prone or outnumbered. The figure with more Passes wins, and damage to the loser is checked on the Melee Damage Table. Figures fight until one wins, there are no ties. Melee damage is the same as for shooting: KIA, Knocked Down or Out of the Fight.
Morale: Morale is reflected by Rep and is part of the reaction test. Units take tests for a variety of reason including taking fire, taking casualties, etc. Figures that fail may Duck Back (they duck to cover, but are otherwise functioning). Or they may hunker down and remain curled up until rallied by another figure.
Vehicles: FNG is primarily an infantry game. If a vehicle is present, each member of the crew is assigned a REP, and all their actions are tied to it. Vehicles activate on the EP of their commander. Shooting is again based on REP, with hits and damage using the same kind of system but with differetn charts (i.e. hit then rolld 2d6. 2 passes = a vehicle kill, zero passes = “Clank” test).
RPG Light: FNG has a feel of an RPG. Beyond just their REP each figure may have an Attribute, randomly determined. They may be a brawler (good in melee), shortsighted (-1 on In Sight tests) or a shirker! The campaign system included has you take platoon through a year’s worth of missions, losing figures to combat or end of tour, and having to work Cherries in to your squads. The campaign system uses charts to generat emissions, force levels, etc.
Where Are the Helos? FNG is unabashedly a foot slogger’s game. Rules for slicks, gunships, artillery and the like are in the advanced “Campaign” section. They are tricky to use as they can be quite devastating and unbalance a game with a die roll. For example, a Door Gun in a Huey is an area effect weapon with a 6” x 48” range. Napalm covers a 6 x 18” area as well.
That said, the advanced rules cover Mortars, Aircraft (fixed and rotary), Booby Traps, Tunnels and Medevac.
The book has a campaign system with a battle generator. It also has complete army lists for all the combatants.
The TWo Hour system is one of my favorites for skirmish gaming, regardless of period. i have played Nuts! (the WW2 game) as well as 5150 (SciFi) and I, Zombie. The games of FNGI have played are tense, unpredictable affairs. But despite the fog of war created by the activation and reaction systems, you never feel you lose to the “system.” Some games have such random type fog that planning almost feel futile. Not with the Two Hour system. Planning needs to be flexible, but without a pan, you’re toast. Highly recommended!
Not played.