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Spanish Infantry:
Falcon Figures (UK)

[AB Figures]
Battle Honours]
[Falcon (UK)]
Old Glory]
Wildly Inspired]

The very first thing that struck me about this figure is that he wears his bicorn in a fore-and-aft manner. I don’t have any reference that shows it worn this way, but then who can say for sure it never was? Unfortunately, after this thought, there was not much to excite me about the rest of the figure.

This figure looks like something Dr. Frankenstein might have built from spare parts. While each part is sculpted well, and nicely cast, the whole is less than the sum of the parts. This soldier’s hands would hang below his knees, his head is swollen up like a balloon (Abby Normal - is that you calling?), and his feet are tiny. At first glance this figure does not look all that bad. Over time however it grows on you, in a bad way (perhaps it is intended to unsettle your opponents and give you a psychological edge).

The oddest size mismatch here is the backpack. It is smaller than his head. I guess he likes to pack light! Of all these Spanish figures, it rates ahead only of the Naismith product.

Nap_15_Span_SBS_Falcon1 Nap_15_Span_SBS_Falcon2

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