First Impressions: Based on just the primed figure, we see all the telltale signs of Anthony Barton’s work. Fine detail, superb face, outstanding anatomy. Although you can’t see it in this photo, he is clearly looking at the map - a very nice touch. Won’t make any dif fer en ce on a ga mi ng ta ble, but when your friends pick him up it sure will. The horse is also outstanding.
Dem Bones - The Anatomy: As with all of the other AB figures I’ve seen the anatomy is a real strength. The torso is not too long for the legs; the elbows are in the right place, and head hands and feet are all the right size. The same is true for the horse. The head and neck are the right size. The legs are neither too thin nor too thick and the gait looks realistic enough.
Everybody Vogue: Most of the AB officers I’ve seen eschew the enthusiastic “rally round the flag boys” poses, for more thoughtful, composed looks. The rally cry was certainly an important function of the general officer, but it’s nice to see the higher order functions represented, too. Of course, that means an AB army may be a bit lacking in charismatic leaders...
Do Those Buttons Read USA or USB? I’m used to evaluating Napoleonic figures with so much more uniform variation and equipment that these plainly dressed ACW officers almost look crude. But what can you expect from men who wore ordinary pants and coats? However much of a “plain Jane” most ACW figures are, the detail here is still outstanding. The kepi is crisply rendered, all the jacket and shirt buttons are cleanly represented, and even the folds in the map feel true.
The Reserves: Other Figures