First Impressions: Epaulettes! Holy ornamentation, Batman! I haven;t seen epaulettes on any ACW figures yet! This officer is typical of the stocky, high-contrast style of Warrior. But it’s about time we had a dashing and foppish Union officer, so here he is!
The horse, like his rider, has a moderate amount of detail, but is a pretty smooth sculpt - there’s not a lot of contrast in the muscle definition. This horse reminds me a bit of the Minifig horse - very statuesque (that’s a compliment btw).
D e m B o n es - The Anatomy: The face is pretty basic but passable for 15 mm. The officer is certainly well fed - no scarecrow here - but otherwise solid. The hands are a bit large owing to the gloves, but look right. The horse is quite nice all around.
Everybody Vogue: Forget the pose, check out them epaulettes! Officers do an awful lot of pointing and he looks quite competent at it. The horse looks quite martial and proud.
Do Those Buttons Read USA or USB? The detail is pretty good. The sahs and sword, for example, are nicely rendered, and did I mention I love the epaulettes? The stirrups look good, and overall the level of detail is quite pleasing. The cuffs are overstated and the saddle detail a bit plain, but perhspa its a plain saddle.
The Reserves: Other Figures