First Impressions: I have often heard about the famous Jack Scruby lines. They seem to have a warm place in many gamers’ hearts. And while I certainly understand the nostalgia, I don’t think they age well. They always look “lumpy” to me - surfaces that should be smooth are undulated; curves seem to have lots of waves in their shape. On the other hand, they are awfully inexpensive ($0.21 per foot figure, $0.42 per mounted figure). If you want an army on a budget they’re hard to beat (and you get a 10% discount on orders over $250).
Dem Bones - The Anatomy: If nothing else, this figure looks like one of the ragged scarecrows of the late war. None of your beefy, pleasantly plump soldiers here. The rider’s proportions overall are solid, and his face has some nice detail. His right arm looks a bit too large, however. The horse needs help. His head is too large and his neck too small - it’s a wonder he can hold his head up! The legs are not bad, but the chest is very narrow. I suspect this nag will be on a spit any day now....
Everybody Vogue: I realize this is an officer, not a trooper (oh well, such is life). Still, the gait is fine, and the rider looks comfortably seated.
Do Those Buttons Read USA or USB? The level of detail here is modest, on par with, say the Warrior line. Some of the folds in the horse flesh are virtually ravines, and the saddle bags are merely tiny lumps. The saddle blanket outlines seem wrong - but perhaps it’s an equipment set I just don’t recognize. Also, much of the details not raised, but inscribed - an approach I generally like as being more “in-scale” but may turn off some gamers.
The Reserves: Other Figures