First Impressions: With this Minifigs ACW line, the horses always strike me first. There is something about them that reminds me of Roman or Greek statues. They are outstanding sculpts, but the poses seem both realistic and heroic at the same time. These are some of my favorite all time horses (and I’m not generally a huge Minifigs fan). The trooper here conforms to the usual high Minifigs standards. The casting is excellent - very clean, almost no clean up required.
Dem Bones - The Anatomy: Anatomy is one of Minifigs strong suits in general. Proportions between body parts are sound, and joints are always in the right place. The horses are the same - wide chested, thin legged, with horses and necks in the right size and shape. This figure is certainly no exception.
Everybody Vogue: In general, if I find fault with Minifigs as a line, it is for their overly animated poses, especially for infantry. For this figure, at any rate, the pose is excellent. The rider is clearly excited, but not outlandishly so. The horse is superb. The gait is accurate and the flow of the figure is especially nice. A+
Do Those Buttons Read USA or USB? Minifigs tend to have a good level of detail, and an understated style. The reins and straps are very thin, and some detail is inscribed rather than being raised. The shoulder strap is very nearly flush with the rider’s coat. The carbine details are also inscribed making for a sleek and realistic looking firearm. The trooper’s face is good, if not great, but mostly hidden by his hat anyway. I think the saddle bag looks awfully small - barely room for a ham sandwich (if I had any ham, and if I had any bread - Pogo anyone?), though that seems common to many lines.
The Reserves: Other Figures
Like AB and Essex, Minifigs are remarkably consistent in size, style and detail. This figure will perhaps have to be cut off the base in order to glue it to a stand.
I’m not sure why this trooper has no equipment - perhaps he’s traveling light?