First Impressions: With a moderate amount of detail, and a good pose, the rider is pretty good. The horse’s legs are awfully long and the head bears too strong a resemblance to a sea-horse for my liking. But the casting is crisp and clean, and the detail easy to see.
Dem Bones - The Anatomy: Other than some pretty small feet, this is a good sculpt. The hands are a good size, and the head in proportion. The legs are long enough. The horse’s legs are too long, and the rump, head and chest a bit narrow. It is certainly a passable effort.
Everybody Vogue: The rider looks fine, but the gait is something else. I’m not sure what this horse is doing, but only the rear left hoof looks to be in direct contact with the ground. It would not be very noticeable were it not for the odd position of the right rear leg.
Do Those Buttons Read USA or USB? The details here are clear and overstated. Reins are raised quite a bit, as are straps and such. This makes them easy to paint and visible at quite a distance. The carbine is a bit plain, but the scabbard and blanket rolls have nice touches of detail and depth. The face on this figure is especially good, and rewards some effort to paint well. I think the horse’s tail sticks out a bit much.
The Reserves: Other Figures