I have a number of samples from Historifigs, including some of their Jack Scruby N scale Napoleonics. They all seem to have a similar style, and I would guess many of them are throwbacks to the 70s (?). But to my eyes these are definitely “old school.” This figure measures in at 13.5 mm from sole to eye, and looks scrawny to boot. Clearly a good figure for an Appomattox scenario...
Dem Bones - The Anatomy: This figure looks like a body built from spare parts. None of the parts look like they belong together. The head is awfully big for the torso, and the legs are a bit short. The left elbow is in the wrong place. I should dislike this figure, yet it has a certain charm I can’t ignore.
Everybody Vogue: With the anatomy what it is, it would be hard for the figure to look natural. Yet the overall effect is pretty sound. The legs are quite far apart but not terribly so.
Do Those Buttons Read USA or USB? Part of what makes this figure feel old school is the relative lack of detail. Folds and creases in the clothing are shallow and minimal. There’s no apparent belt to which the cartridge pouch is attached. And the musket details get quite murky near the figure’s chin. Nor are there any bands on the musket barrel. As a professor I know used to say, “It is what it is.”
The Reserves: Other Figures: Here are some photos of other figures in the line, with some brief comments (primarily calling out differences from the above comments).