I have seen a few other Warrior figures from their Napoleonic line. The gnome-itis seen here is apparent there as well. Short, squat, and ham handed, they look like a double 15 mm - fifteen from boot sole to eye, and fifteen from shoulder to shoulder.
Dem Bones - The Anatomy: The anatomy here mimics a style we see in many lines. Legs that are too short, oversized hands, and small feet. The face is good - this fellow looks to be snarling. But the tiny torso makes for an awfully squat grunt. Look too at the thickness of the right arm - unless this guy is about to turn into the Hulk, that’s one big arm for a mere mortal!
Everybody Vogue: The pose, on the other hand, is good. There’s some flex in the legs, the hands look like they’re actually carrying the musket, and the movement in the design is clearly forward.
Do Those Buttons Read USA or USB? The detail on the figure is moderate. The musket is unexceptional but clear. The backpack has nice raised detail (you can’t see it clearly in the photo) and is a rare piece of equipment among the soldiers in this side-by-side group. The folds are more shallow and less sharply sculpted than, say the Pioneer sample, but paint up nicely I think.